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  1. Bring your picture ID + insurance card you plan to use. As a courtesy, we can call and verify your coverage depending on time and availability.  If you were in an auto accident, bring the CLAIM NUMBER from your auto insurance and a police report if you have it.  If you don't have insurance, we accept cash, check, credit card, Health Savings Account, Flex Spending card.

  2. People with appointments have higher priority than people who walk-in without an appointment. So, call us ahead of time at (859) 303-7000 to schedule your AND your family members' appointments.

  3. We have a ZERO BALANCE POLICY. Payments are expected at the time of service.

  4. If you recently have had x-rays, MRI, or CT scans taken, please bring the written report that the radiologist typed. If you don't have this, call your doctor's office and have them email the written x-ray/MRI/CT report to hello at maxfamilychiro dotcom.

  5. If you are in severe pain or incapacitated, weak, have bouts of dizziness or vertigo, please have someone else drive you to our office and back to your home afterwards for your own safety.

  6. Please show up 15 minutes before your appointment if your paperwork is not FILLED OUT completely BEFORE coming into our office.   Otherwise your First Visit will take about an hour, depending on your condition, your ability to walk/move, complexity of your case, whether you enjoy talking about your neighbor or pets or other unrelated life stories, and whether the doctor recommends some adjunctive therapies to relieve your symptoms, etc.

  7. Wear simple clothing. Avoid shirts or jeans with too many bling-bling metallic decorations and emblems. NO METALLIC ITEMS.  For x-ray purposes, we will ask you to remove metal objects from your body or clothes such as belt buckle, most bras with wires and hooks, earrings, necklace, piercings (tongue, belly button, etc.), coins, pocket knive, tools, etc.  So, to save you time and hassle, avoid wearing too many metallic items.

  8. If you have kids or a baby, no need to scramble for a sitter. They'll do fine here.  Uncontrollable children who harm others or destroy our properties, may be given an espresso, a free puppy and may be sold to circus.

  9. If you have been here before but it's been over 90 days, or if you had a recent injury or accident, we will still be required to do a reevaluation / examination before we start any care, to make sure we don't miss anything, to update your records, etc. 

  10. We do NOT accept Workers' Compensation nor Disability Determination cases.   

Request Appointment
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Thanks for submitting!  We'll get back to you ASAP. 

During business hours, you can call us at 859-303-7000.

Want to SAVE TIME on your first visit?


CALL 859-303-7000 to schedule your appointment first, or request appointment below, then click this red PDF button, print, and fill out before your visit.  Make sure your web browser allow pop-ups.


FIRST VISIT: What to Expect?


The first visit is all about you!   The doctor is going to sit down with you and listen to your concerns.  We want to know everything you can tell us about your condition and your health goals.  


We will then review your health history, do a thorough orthopedic neurologic chiropractic examination and if necessary, take a set of x-rays, to learn as much as possible about your condition.  Digital x-rays will then be sent to expert radiologists to be reviewed, if necessary.  If you are pregnant, then no x-rays will be taken.


This first visit should take around just over an hour depending on whether you have completed the necessary paperwork, depending on severity of your condition, and depending on your mobility.  This is the end of the first visit in most cases.  If you are pregnant, or referred to us by your midwife/nurse midwife/OB/GYN because of breeched pregnancy, we should be able to get you started immediately on the first day in most cases.


Depending on schedule availability, the doctor will then meet with you later that day OR the next business day to have a Review of Findings session and possibly start with your first adjustment/treatment.   This Review of Findings session is very important, we always request patient to bring spouse, significant other, or parent(s). 


During this Review of Findings, we will explain the findings from your consult, exam and x-rays (if taken), what kind of care you need, cost of care, and if chiropractic is what you need.  If you need to be referred to other specialist or if you need something other than what we provide – we will explain and recommend your best options. 


By the end of this report you will enjoy the confidence that comes from knowing what is causing your health concerns and what it will take to get to the solution.  No treatments will begin until you understand what is being recommended and ready to start care. 

How Much Does It Cost?

HOW MUCH?  It depends on several things such as: the severity of your case, how many problems you have, what type of xrays you need, etc.  

Just like going to a dentist, while some people need to have a root canal or extraction of one or five teeth, some other people only need one filling or one dental cleaning session.  Two good news: our fees are affordable, and there is no charge for a consultation!  Call now 859-303-7000!

Do you accept my Insurance?

INSURANCE?  More and more people have high deductible (over $500, $2,500, etc.) they must pay out of pocket before insurance will kick in.  We accept cash, personal check, money order, FLEX Spending card, credit cards, or Health Savings Account.  We accept those with major insurance companies, Health Savings, Flexible Spending FSA, as well as those with no insurance.  Bring your insurance card, photo ID and as a courtesy, we can call verify the coverage for you. 

Is Chiropractic SAFE?

SAFE?   Chiropractic is VERY SAFE.  According to CDC, a person having a neck surgery is 17,000 times more likely to die from that surgery than going to a chiropractor.  You are many many times more likely to DIE FROM A PAINKILLER than from chiropractic care. In the 1999-2004 period, drug Vioxx/rofecoxib caused 46,783 heart attack, 31,188 internal bleeding; while Celebrex/celecoxib caused 21,832 strokes and 69,654 bleeding/GI haemorrhages, an estimated 26,603 deaths. SMH.  Ask kids who come here :).

Why do KIDS need chiropractic?

WHY KIDS?  With all the things babies and kids experience, it's a MIRACLE we all survived childhood.  Many spinal problems seen in adults began as early as birth when their fragile neck got yanked by hands, vacuum or forceps. Add to that months and years of regular childhood activities like climbing up / falling off the couch, skating or riding a bike, roughhousing, sports injuries, poor posture (gaming, backpack, car rides) over time accumulated injuries during rapid growth may lead to more serious health problems later in life.  This is why more parents bring their kids to us during these critical growth years!  Why do you rotate realign car's tires?  Should we wait until your kids grow up to be structurally damaged adults with symptoms like you before seeing a chiropractor, or now?

How LONG until I get better?

HOW LONG UNTIL I GET BETTER?  Progress speed varies between people.  It depends on five things:

  1. Severity of your condition 

  2. Age

  3. Level of spinal + joint deterioration

  4. Occupation + daily activities

  5. Your commitment and compliance to stick to your treatment plan: keep your appointments, to do the things we tell you to do and avoid the things we tell you to avoid.

I got hurt in a CAR WRECK, now what?

 If you are badly hurt in a CAR WRECK, go to hospital ER first, then after they discharge you, come on in to get yourself realigned so you can heal better, faster.  Bring any test results from hospital to us.


You must also bring the Claim Number from your auto insurance, your photo ID, and the Personal Injury Form that you can download, print, and fill out BEFORE your appointment. The Police Report can be brought in later after you received them.

Is Chiropractic Safe?

Yes.  You are more likely to die from a lightning strike and painkiller than from a chiropractic care (Vioxx killed 27,785 people from 1999-2003). Statistics prove that chiropractic care is one of the safest types of healthcare in the world. You only need to compare the malpractice insurance premiums paid by chiropractors to those paid by medical doctors.


Doctors of Chiropractic pay only a small fraction of the price medical doctors pay in malpractice premiums. Over 780,000 people will die this year (>15,000 deaths per week) as a result of bad medicine or medical errors. (Journal of American Medical Association, 07/26/2000; Death by Medicine 2003).


Our doctors choose a technique that uses gentle percussive instruments to deliver the adjustments or correction, and therefore no popping or cracking sound is created, no twisting involved. 


Many doctors might have chosen different techniques, depending on the school they went to and personal preferences. It is wise to have multiple "tools" of healing in one's "toolbag." Our method is just one of many effective tools out there.


Remember, if you are not happy with a plumber or a dentist, you find another one who is highly recommended and experienced. The same thing with finding the right chiropractor for you. If you are not happy with one chiropractor, then find another one! :)  Thankfully there are three awesome chiropractors in our office you can choose from.

How long does it take to get better? 


Progress speed varies between people.  It depends on five things:

  1. Severity of your condition, 

  2. Age

  3. Level of spinal deterioration / degeneration

  4. Occupation or daily activities

  5. Your commitment and compliance to keep your appointments, to do the things we tell you to do and avoid the things we tell you to avoid.


In general, people who work at places such as manufacturing facilities, construction sites, groceries stores, industrial plants, distilleries, and places where they stand on concrete for hours, bending, lifting, pulling and twisting, will recover slower than folks who work in the office environment with less spinal and joint stress (except prolonged sitting).


Activities such as, video-game slouching, trampoline, waterskiing, watertubing, snowskiing, snowboarding, four-wheeling, poor sleeping posture, knitting, reading for hours, computer use for hours, skateboarding, martial arts, cheerleading, gymnastic, carrying heavy backpacks, (and many more) will REINJURE and slow down your healing / recovery.


In most cases, pain relief can be achieved within one to two weeks. Correction and stabilization of the spine, which gives long lasting results, ranges between three to twelve weeks or longer, depending on those four factors above and (#5) whether you REINJURE your spine by not complying to our recommendations (posture, keeping appointments, home exercises, therapies, etc.).


Here are some important concepts to help you understand chiropractic and our care better:

  1. Just because you didn't have a good experience in the past with other chiropractor(s), it doesn't mean chiropractic "doesn't work".  Just like trying to find a good plumber or a dentist, if you are not happy with one, find another one!   Either way, we got your back!   LOL.

  2. It takes time to get where you are today.  Problems didn't happen overnight.  Healing is a process, not an event.  Healing takes time.  

  3. Stick to your treatment plan, keep your appointments, do your homework. This is teamwork!  If we give 100% to help you, but you give 50% of what we asked of you, what do you expect?

  4. Chiropractic is not the treatment of diseases.  Chiropractic detects, finds, and restore nerve irritations or disturbances caused by misalignment of spinal vertebrae, as well as other skeletal joints, and in the process, allowing the nerve signals from the brain to be sent to various body parts, organs, tissues, at 100% without interference, which allows the body to self-heal and self-regulate better, leading to a balanced and vibrant health.

  5. Remember that we don't do the healing.  Your wonderfully designed body does. With each adjustment you receive, we help your body heal better and prevent future problems.   We like to say, "we move the bones, God does the healing."

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